Monday, August 25, 2008

16 Groups of People Kept Me Busy at My Campbell Open House

It's been a long time since I was busy at an open house.

The last open house I did, I watched "the last lecture" on YouTube on my laptop! [Great inspirational stuff, and a great speaker! Watch Randy here, but not the reason to hold an open house!]

Yesterday I was busy the whole time! It was so great! I made chocolate chip cookies - which is always fun and loosens people up so I am not the hawk at the front door - and wore my fuzzy purple socks to keep my feet warm and to slide around the hardwood floors.

Some of my groups were entire families out looking together, most groups were 2-3 people. Not once did I hear "the market is uncertain" or "we're waiting to see what happens". Most of what I heard was "We need a bigger house", "I moved here for work", "I want to be close to downtown Campbell".

There are currently 7,059 properties on the market in Santa Clara County, 324 in Campbell. For the month 1184 have sold in the county and 46 in Campbell. Which is about on pace for August.

I think the big adjustment is over. There may be some little movement; 3-4% during the holidays but, I am worried that that dip will be negated by any rise in interest rates.

What have you seen in your neighborhood?

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