It's been my understanding that the IRS has "waived" the "gain" of a short sale - it was just for a short time period, etc so read up on the details at
In all my short sales, I've only had one bank negotiate a deficiency judgment but read on:
A Short Sale May Not Mean You're Home Free -
In all my short sales, I've only had one bank negotiate a deficiency judgment but read on:
A Short Sale May Not Mean You're Home Free -
Financially troubled borrowers may think that foreclosure or a short sale of their home means their mortgage woes are over.
Not necessarily.
Some homeowners are finding that when they sell their homes for less than the outstanding mortgages -- a so-called short sale -- their mortgage companies are going after them for some or all of the difference. Mortgage companies are also sometimes taking legal action to recover unpaid amounts after a foreclosure is completed.